
book, 2010

Chroma is the result of my color and theoretical research. I concentrated on brown and ocher because in those colors are incorporated other colors: yellow, orange, red and black. Brown and ocher are all around us: soil, rocks, sand, fall, baked meat, nuts, coffee, chocolate… Using these powerful colors, I wanted to show all the possibilities of gradients and shades. Through numerous abstract compositions, I explored alignment, repetition, chiaroscuro, harmony, contrast, convex and concave shapes. I was interested in exploring color phenomena through geometry, patterns, and grids, so this book is a logical continuance of work that I presented in my first book, The Grid. The basic element of all these brown compositions is a column consisting of twelve irregular polygons. From the bottom to the top of the column, each polygon becomes brighter. I originally painted it with brush and tempera on paper, and then I scanned that piece and imported it into Adobe Photoshop.

2012: Published on Designed, Belgrade, Serbia (an online magazine for design)

2012: Published in UrbanStyleMag, No. 24, Mytilene, Lesbos, Greece (art & urban culture magazine)